Post-secondary education (college, university, and private college)
Workforce planning/development board
Chamber of Commerce/Board of Trade
Business Improvement Area (BIA)
Community Future Development Corporation (CFDC)
Small Business Enterprise Centre
Planning, engineering, zoning, and building permits
Health department/health unit approvals
Police services
Fire services
Library services
Recreation facilities
Cultural facilities
Parks and open spaces
Street/road repair
Snow removal
Economic developement services
Public transit
How would you rate the following factors of doing business in this community?: Other
From the perspective of your business, rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following community services.: Other
From the perspective of your business, rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following community services.: Other
It should be noted that business sampling was done on the basis of industry; industries are not equally represented in the sample. Therefore, results by industry should be interpreted cautiously. While they are likely a good indication of where the jobs will be in the near future, they should not be used as an indication of industry strengths and weaknesses.